Marketing Campaigns

The goal of any PR and marketing campaign must be to be pragmatic, and to augment the bottom line. Micro PR and Marketing (MPR&M) approaches its assistance in this area from exactly this perspective, and can organize and undertake entire promotional PR campaigns (composition and liaison with media outlets to ensure publication and exposure).

Beyond this, we head into the marketing role, which again can start at a basic level with the design of ad copy and purchasing of ad space on behalf of clients; a holistic “brand” creation and extrapolation through printed and digital media; all the way to the formulation of a full marketing/sales programme that adopts a pragmatic approach and demonstrates and delivers a day-to-day marketing role with a focus on lead generation and augmentation of market share.

In effect, a fully subcontracted marketing role, in this case to an agency with “micro” credentials, and priced competitively when compared with the expense of recruiting an in-house resource.

The marketing service can be very broad, but in addition to the above, MPR&M has the ability to also offer full web-design and SEO services as well as numerous cutting edge and innovative marketing vehicles.

Whether you are a micro technology / service supplier or micro OEM that requires a resource to position you more effectively in the eyes of your customers and potential prospects, you require PR and marketing assistance that is not nebulous, but can demonstrate a route to augmented lead generation and sales growth.